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UFOP publishes 15th updated edition of ‘Biodiesel & Co. 2023/2024’ status report

The 15th edition of the UFOP status report ‘Biodiesel & CO’, which has been updated over time, provides information on the most important legal regulations at European and national level for the ‘promotion’ of biofuels. The report begins with a critical review of the coalition government's energy policy in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine. It critically scrutinises the promotion of electrification to the neglect of the physically available biofuel potential.

UFOP publishes status report "Biodiesel & Co. 2022/2023"

Russia's war against Ukraine shook up the global energy and oilseed and vegetable oil markets. The European Union, together with the business community, has in principle successfully countered the possible negative consequences. The big losers, however, are global climate protection and thus the regions of the global South that are particularly affected by climate change.

Progress Report "Biodiesel & Co. 2021/2022"

The status report "Biodiesel & Co 2021/2022" published by UFOP provides an overview of the current legal framework in Germany and also takes into account national initiatives for legal changes, such as the originally feared lowering of the 4.4 % cap for biofuels from cultivated biomass. This initiative of the Federal Environment Ministry is currently off the table. However, at the end of November an intensive discussion will begin on the national biomass strategy currently presented by the German government. This strategy provides for prioritising the material use of cultivated biomass.

UFOP published Status Report "Biodiesel & Co. 2020/2021"

Biofuel policy at national and European level is becoming increasingly complex, as a result of rising demands also on the quality of the sustainability requirements to be demonstrated.

UFOP report "Biodiesel & Co. 2019/2020" status report published

Berlin, 6 October 2020: The progress report provides information on national and international biofuel policy issues relevant to the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) in the reporting period. The almost 40-page report is supplemented by comprehensive statistics on national and international biodiesel production, on the current biofuel quota regulations enshrined in law in the member states and by the publication of excerpts from the statistics from the experience and evaluation report of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE). All sources are linked to further information.

UFOP-"Biodiesel" Assessment Report 2018/19 published

The status report explains the relevant topics of the UFOP annual report on national and international biofuel policy, on biofuel accompanying research for UFOP-funded projects, and on biofuel statistics. The report gives a comprehensive overview about the state of the art on national and European biofuel policy. The main topics are the implementation and consequences of the Renewable Energies Directive (2018/2001/EC) and in particular the national framework conditions resulting from the Climate Protection Act. The Federal Cabinet will decide today on this law and the package of measures. These are critically questioned, as is the implementation of the Delegate Ordinance on the Regulation of Raw Materials with a high "iLUC Risk" against the background of the raw material composition of biodiesel consumed in Germany and the European Union (including HVO).

Biodiesel 2017/2018 - UFOP publishes special report

With the special report "Biodiesel 2017/2018", the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) annually summarizes the most important chapters from its annual report on biodiesel. The chapter "Biodiesel & Co" explains the most important biofuel policy issues at national and European level in the context of international climate change commitments, in particular the decisions on the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) as a result of the trilogue procedure.

Biodiesel 2016/2017 - Report on Progress and Future Prospects

The assessment report provides information on the most important aspects of the national and European biofuel policy and the biodiesel markets. It is an excerpt from the UFOP business report 2016/2017 and includes the chapters “Biodiesel and Co.”, the report of the UFOP expert commission “Biofuels and Renewable Resources” as well as current national and European biofuel statistics.

Biodiesel 2015/2016 Report on the Current Situation and Prospects – Abstract from the UFOP Annual Report

The extract gives an overview about the development of the Biodiesel production and sales in Germany and describes the political discussion and decisions affecting Biofuels in Germany.

Biodiesel 2014/2015 Report on the Current Situation and Prospects – Abstract from the UFOP Annual Report

The extract gives an overview of the development of Biodiesel production and sales in Germany and describes the political discussion and decisions affecting Biofuels in Germany (e.g. Green-House-Gas Reduction Commitment, Climate Action Plan 2020 and 2050) and within the European Union (e.g. the "iLUC-directive and consequeneces").

Biodiesel 2013/2014

Report on the Current Situation and Prospects - Abstract from the UFOP Annual Report: Extracts from the UFOP report 2013/2014. The extract gives an overview about the development of Biodiesel production and sales in Germany and describes the political discussion and decisions affecting Biofuels.

UFOP special publication "Biodiesel & Co" 2013

UFOP (Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen) has republished the sections of its 2012/2013 annual report that dealt with biodiesel and biofuels as a separate publication entitled "Biodiesel & Co". This special publication includes the sections on the market situation and outlook, the basic legal situation at national and international level, and a substantial statistical annex on biodiesel production and consumption, and on capacity development. The publication also includes the report on the analysis of the raw material composition of biodiesel, about the (B7) blend, which was made available at public petrol stations in the summer of 2013.

Biodiesel 2011/2012

Report on the Current Situation and Prospects - Abstract from the UFOP Annual Report: Extracts from the UFOP report 2011/2012. The extract gives an overview about the development of Biodiesel production and sales in Germany and describes the political discussion and decisions affecting Biofuels.

Biodiesel 2010/2011

Report on the Current Situation and Prospects - Abstract from the UFOP Annual Report: Extracts from the UFOP report 2010/2011. The extract gives an overview about the development of Biodiesel production and sales in Germany and describes the political discussion and decisions affecting Biofuels.

Biodiesel 2009/2010

Report on the Current Situation and Prospects - Abstract from the UFOP Annual Report. Extracts from the UFOP report 2009/2010. The extract gives an overview about the development of Biodiesel production and sales in Germany and describes the political discussion and decisions affecting Biofuels.