Germany: key elements of the climate action program 2030
On 20 September, the Federal Cabinet adopted the sector-specific packages of measures to implement the Climate Protection Action Plan 2030.
Starting with 10 euro / t CO2 from 2021, this will rise to 35 euro / t CO2 by 2025. From 2026 on, demand and supply will determine the price trend. This change will depend on the experience gained with the fixed-price system. This has the effect of a CO2 tax and means an increase of 3.3 cents / l fuel in 2025 and about 11 cents / l in 2025. Against this background, the so-called incentive effect of this tax was questioned in Germany. First of all this "tax" is needed to finance the programs for the promotion of renewable energies and to relieve the financial burden of income weak households.
Further information:
Traffic: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-en/issues/climate-action/verkehr-1674024
Agriculture: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-en/issues/climate-action/co2-reduktion-landwirtschaft-1674032
CO2-Pricing: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-en/issues/climate-action/co2-bepreisung-1674086
Especially the measurements for the traffic sector will be discussed on occasion of the next conference „Fuels of the Future 2020“ in January in Berlin: https://www.fuels-of-the-future.com/