Evaluation and Progress Report 2014
Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance Biofuel Sustainability Ordinance
As the competent authority, the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) publishes
this annual evaluation and progress report in its fifth consecutive year.
The implementation of the sustainability criteria plays a key role in the achievement
of the national, European and international climate protection targets. This report
gives an overview of the developments in this field in Germany.
Two years after the entry into force of the amendment of the 36th Ordinance on the
Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act – Ordinance on the implementation
of the regulations regarding the biofuel quota (36th BImSchV), it is now possible
to provide a direct annual double counting comparison by means of proofs of
double counting issued towards the energetic biofuel quota.
The conversion from a mandatory energetic admixture to a greenhouse gas reduction
quota, which was codified in 2009, was implemented in due time. For fuels brought
onto the German market later than 31.12.2014, the obligated parties thus have to
demonstrate emission savings of 3.5 % compared to their individual reference value.
As a result of this conversion, the rules for the proofs of double counting of certain
waste and residual substances have been cancelled as well.
For the first time, this report shows the background data of the diagrams separately.
This is intended to help expert readers to analyse the data more quickly and easily.
Download the report here.