
KTBL report: Use of renewable drive energy in agricultural machinery

Climate protection is one of the central tasks of our society. To achieve the targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the machines used in agriculture will also have to be operated without fossil diesel fuel in the future. The possibilities for this are described in this publication and evaluated regarding their level of development and usability in agricultural practice – this includes machines in horticulture and viticulture. This provides all actors involved in politics, agricultural practice and consulting, research, development, and trade with a guideline for action on the way to the use of renewable, environmentally friendly drive energies.

“Into the Future – Driven by Climate Protection!” — Kick-off for the 22nd “Fuels of the Future” International Conference

On 20th and 21st January 2025, over 70 speakers will be discussing measures to achieve climate change mitigation in the transport sector at the 22nd “Fuels of the Future” International Conference on Renewable Mobility. Presentations and discussion panels focus on innovative uses and technical development of renewable fuels in the mobility sector.

Rapeseed Price - Rising Trend

The price trend for rapeseed will continue and necessarily stabilise positively. This is the conclusion reached by the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Crops (UFOP) in an analysis of the short- to medium-term development and recommends incentivising the exploitation of operational cultivation potential in good time before sowing. The reason for this is the mutually dependent regulatory interlocking, which begins with cultivation and ultimately extends to the use of raw materials, writes the association in its current market assessment for the turn of the year 2024/25. Once again, the axiom applies: ‘Everything is connected to everything’.

Position paper of the associations of the German biofuel industry: Key points for the amendment of the GHG quota law

Mobilising climate protection potential sustainably and appropriately, using synergies, avoiding displacement effects

UFOP publishes 15th updated edition of ‘Biodiesel & Co. 2023/2024’ status report

The 15th edition of the UFOP status report ‘Biodiesel & CO’, which has been updated over time, provides information on the most important legal regulations at European and national level for the ‘promotion’ of biofuels. The report begins with a critical review of the coalition government's energy policy in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine. It critically scrutinises the promotion of electrification to the neglect of the physically available biofuel potential.

Associations: Proposals and need for action to prevent fraud in biofuel certification

Official registration procedure for placing advanced biofuels on the market in Germany

New publication list on biofuels

The flyer offers an overview on all UFOP publications focusing on biofuels in general, biodiesel, biofuel policy (especially iLUC discussion), GHG balance, biofuels in agriculture and forestry, Rapeseed oil Fuel, FAME and HVO

Biofuels: Associations publish facts and demands

Brochure on consumer survey, background knowledge and industry demands for effective controls, higher admixtures and reduced tolls.

UFOP publishes status report "Biodiesel & Co. 2022/2023"

Russia's war against Ukraine shook up the global energy and oilseed and vegetable oil markets. The European Union, together with the business community, has in principle successfully countered the possible negative consequences. The big losers, however, are global climate protection and thus the regions of the global South that are particularly affected by climate change.

UFOP publishes Progress Report "Biodiesel & Co. 2021/2022"

The status report "Biodiesel & Co 2021/2022" published by the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) provides an overview of the current legal framework in Germany and also takes into account national initiatives for legal changes, such as the originally feared lowering of the 4.4 % cap for biofuels from cultivated biomass. This initiative of the Federal Environment Ministry is currently off the table. However, at the end of November an intensive discussion will begin on the national biomass strategy currently presented by the German government. This strategy provides for prioritising the material use of cultivated biomass.

UFOP published JFRG Band 32 - Position paper biofuel research

Drive climate protection forward now with sustainable and greenhouse gas-optimised biofuels and at the same time raise their potential through strategic research funding; this is, in brief, the message of the position paper published by the UFOP. Biofuels are the only alternative so far for replacing fossil fuels in existing vehicle fleets. The UFOP underlines the statement of climate scientists that time is running out and that political action must therefore be geared to this.

Approval list of commercial vehicle manufacturers for operation with biodiesel (B20 | B30 | B100)

The importance of biodiesel as a pure fuel has also declined significantly in the areas of heavy commercial vehicles and non-road vehicles. The current approval list of commercial vehicle manufacturers gives you an overview of approved commercial vehicles and engines as well as the compliance with emission standards.

Policy Information Biofuels

What does the German public think about biofuels? With a view to answering that question, we commissioned the market research institute KANTAR to collect and evaluate opinions on biodiesel, bioethanol and biomethane. The results are clear: the vast majority not only likes biofuels, but would even favour incorporating higher levels into blends than is currently the case. At the same time, the respondents found it important that these biofuels are sustainable.

UFOP published Status Report "Biodiesel & Co. 2020/21"

Biofuel policy at national and European level is becoming increasingly complex, as a result of rising demands also on the quality of the sustainability requirements to be demonstrated. These unique selling points of national and international commodity chains concern the raw material origin and, in particular, the greenhouse gas efficiency of the biofuel from cultivated biomass or residues, and are the basis for the now established trade in greenhouse gas quotas.

Brochure: Approvals in inland navigation for operation with biodiesel (B7 | B20 | B30 | B100)

The new approval list includes engines for inland navigation for which the manufacturer has authorized the use of biodiesel. Scania Marine Engines in particular stands out for its numerous approvals for pure biodiesel (B100). Other manufacturers allow blends such as B7 (up to 7 percent biodiesel), B20 and B30. Biodiesel reduces the emissions of particulate matter, is not classified as a dangerous good and has the lowest water hazard class.

UPEI Guidance document: Compatibility of retail station infrastructure with higher biofuel blends

Biodiesel/HVO and bioethanol are still the most important alternative fuels globally. However, an important prerequisite for further development is not least satisfaction in application. Against this background, the European Association of Independent Fuel Suppliers (UPEi) has published a guideline. In it, the association emphasises that the oxygen contained in the renewable fuels ethanol and FAME and their polarity lead to properties that require different handling and distribution practices. The main problem is elastomer materials, which are mainly used in sealing applications. It is recommended that fuel retailers verify with their equipment suppliers that the equipment is suitable for use with higher biofuel blends.

List of UFOP biodiesel publication / status Jan 2021

This flyer offers an overview over publications on subjects such as biofuel policy, GHG balances and biodiesel, which are available for free download on UFOP's website.

UFOP report "Biodiesel & Co. 2019/2020" status report published

Berlin, 6 October 2020: The progress report provides information on national and international biofuel policy issues relevant to the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) in the reporting period. The almost 40-page report is supplemented by comprehensive statistics on national and international biodiesel production, on the current biofuel quota regulations enshrined in law in the member states and by the publication of excerpts from the statistics from the experience and evaluation report of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE). All sources are linked to further information.

Position paper: Biofuels are essential for fulfilling the climate protection targets in the commitment period 2021 to 2030

The German Federal Government’s six month presidency of the Council of the European Union began on 1 July 2020. As a goal of its agenda, the Federal Government stated that it wishes to “work towards climate-friendly, sustainable and affordable mobility”. The biofuel associations welcome this objective and point out that openness to technological ideas and the sustainably available potential of biofuels need to be considered in order to fulfil national climate protection targets.

Position Paper UFOP: Action areas and the need for research in biofuels

In 2005, the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) founded the working group "Biofuels and Renewable Resources" with experts from the engine, mineral oil, biofuel and automotive industries as well as from science and trade associations. Tasks: Discussion of the potentials and requirements of biofuels (focus on biodiesel/HVO and rapeseed oil fuel) for current and future engine developments and emission requirements as well as interaction effects of different fuel components. The Commission has summarised the most important fields of action for future accompanying research in a position paper, which was published as a scientific contribution in the journal "Fuel" by Elsevier B.V.: mehr...

Sustainable Intensification of arable Production for Food Security and Climate Protection

Climate change dictates more productivity and efficiency while taking the requirements of sustainable production into account at the same time. Biofuels from cultivated biomass play a leading role when these are being produced according to the legal specifications of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II).

Biomethane utilization accelerating in the transport sector

Usage of biomethane in the Germany as a transportation fuel is slowly picking up speed. This is clearly demonstrated by rising sales figures and rapid growth in new registrations of CNG vehicles. The binding obligation from 2021 for Member States to introduce minimum quotas for biofuels from waste and residues is a consequence of upcoming national implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II). mehr...

Imports of waste oils for biodiesel/HVO fuels increase in Germany

Berlin, 25 November 2019. The public rarely questions where raw materials for fossil fuels come from when filling their fuel tanks. It’s a far different story when it comes to biofuels: with the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive, the requirements for sustainability criteria, greenhouse gas reduction and documentation obligations have been further tightened. These regulations are unique in the international movement of goods, and are accompanied by reporting obligations. The annual evaluation and experience report published by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) provides information on the origins of biomass raw materials, including waste oils and fats.

Decarbonising Arable Farming - Contributing to International Climate Protection Thanks to Biofuels - 17th International Conference on Renewable Mobility "Fuels of the Future 2020", 20./21. January 2020 in Berlin

The consequences of the 2018 and 2019 drought are immediately apparent in agriculture and forestry. These sectors, especially agriculture, are also part of the solution, as well as being directly affected. Rapeseed oil fuel and biomethane are ready for use in combination with today’s modern engine and exhaust gas treatment concepts. mehr...

Putting Biomethane on the Road

Berlin, November 6th. The forum "Putting Biomethane on the Road", part of the programme of the 17th "Fuels of the Future" International Conference on Renewable Mobility, highlights the development path and successes of the biomethane fuel market in recent years. mehr...

Oilseeds & fats Crops and Lipids (OCL) issue: The significance and perspective of biodiesel production - A European and global view

Since the nineties, the production of biodiesel has increased considerably worldwide. The motivation for this trend developed very differently with a view to the globally important resource production regions. Biofuels, such as biodiesel, are also playing a role regionally within the context of the growing challenge of a global climate change policy. The contribution is an evaluation of the situation and it demonstrates the limits of the development based on different aspects.

UFOP-"Biodiesel" Assessment Report 2018/19 published

The status report explains the relevant topics of the UFOP annual report on national and international biofuel policy, on biofuel accompanying research for UFOP-funded projects, and on biofuel statistics. The report gives a comprehensive overview about the state of the art on national and European biofuel policy. The main topics are the implementation and consequences of the Renewable Energies Directive (2018/2001/EC) and in particular the national framework conditions resulting from the Climate Protection Act.

MTZ extra – Development of a Low-Emission Fuel with High Biogenic Content and High Oxidation Stability

Compared to fossil diesel fuel, biodiesel has significantly lower carbon monoxide, particulate mass and hydrocarbon emissions. In contrast, however, there are higher nitrogen oxide emissions and a reduced aging stability. In a joint research project, the Transfer Center for Automotive Technology at Coburg University (TAC) and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Lemgo (Germany) have analyzed how the oxidation stabi lization of biodiesel by hydrazides can be further improved.

UFOP fears legalisation of loopholes for palm oil imports

The draft of a delegated act regulating biofuels from cultivated biomass with a low or high risk of indirect land use (iLUC) presented last week by the European Commission is met with disapproval. The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) fears that already occurred but also future deforestation will be legalized, in particular due to the special treatment for small plantations. The Union therefore calls on its members and other interested parties to participate in the consultation process of the EU Commission. mehr...

EU Commission begins anti-subsidy process against Indonesia

UFOP demands the expedited introduction of preliminary counter measures – customs duties on biodiesel imports should not be circumvented via palm oil imports. mehr...

UFOP publishes special report "Biodiesel 2017/2018"

With the special report "Biodiesel 2017/2018", the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) annually summarizes the most important chapters from its annual report on biodiesel. The chapter "Biodiesel & Co" explains the most important biofuel policy issues at national and European level in the context of international climate change commitments, in particular the decisions on the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) as a result of the trilogue procedure.

Advanced Motor Fuels Newsletter – issue Oct. 2018

Demonstration/ Implementation / Markets / Policy / Legislation / Mandates / Standards; Spotlights: aviation / electric vehicles

Web-Flyer available: Industry platform Biofuels in agriculture and forestry

Associations, companies and institutes from the agricultural and agricultural engineering sectors joined forces in May 2016 to form the industry platform "Biofuels in Agriculture and Forestry". The industry platform’s objective is to provide comprehensive and neutral information on the advantages and technical aspects of using a wide variety of biofuels in agriculture and forestry. It focuses on biodiesel DIN EN 14214, rapeseed oil fuel DIN 51605, vegetable oil fuel DIN 51623 and biomethane fuel – CNG – DIN 51624. The platform is open to all interested parties – not only agriculture and forestry.

Position paper – Advanced alternative liquid fuels: For climate protection in the global raw materials change

This position paper is intended to appeal to decision-makers in politics, business and science. With regard to climate protection goals, the paper aims at showing technological ways to achieve the full integration of the transport and heating sectors into the energy transition by 2050 in a realistic, sustainable and economically justifiable manner. The objective is to illustrate why advanced liquid alternative fuels will play a key role. Recommendations for action should help to meet the challenges of the required radical change from fossil fuels to sustainable resources.

Determining the renewability of co-processed fuels

To report the biofuel content (i.e. the renewable share) of the outputs when biogenic and fossil components are coprocessed, a robust, consistent and transparent methodology is needed. There are several processes for which such a methodology could be relevant. For example, facilities where biomass and fossil inputs are co-processed, or facilities where mixed fossil and waste feedstocks (e.g. municipal wastes or waste tyres) are processed. It is essential that any proposed methodology is technology neutral, so that it can be flexibly applied to different types of installations.

Executive Report International Congress "Fuels of the Future 2018"

More than 580 participants have attended the 18th International Congress „Fuels of the Future 2018“ in Berlin. Due to the comprehensive choice of sessions, the attendees were not able to follow each presentation. The report gives a brief overview about all subjects which had been presented and finally an overview about the core subjects of the next congress in January 2019 in Berlin.

Rapeseed needs the biodiesel market - Vogel: Dumping imports are jeopardising European rapeseed cultivation

The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants e. V. (UFOP) views the prospects of European rapeseed cultivation as being acutely jeopardised. “The dumping imports from Argentina and Indonesia are becoming a question of survival for European rapeseed producers”, said the Chairman of UFOP, Wolfgang Vogel. The shutdowns and production cutbacks carried out by European biodiesel producers will continue to increase the pressure on the volume and pricing on the market for rapeseed oil and rapeseed. mehr...

Position of the European Farmers' Association - COPA*COGECA - on RED II

Copa and Cogeca position on the recast of directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable resources (COM(2016)767 FINAL) in view of the trialogues. Download

New edition of the UFOP brochure "Good Reasons for Biofuels"

The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) has updated and reissued its consumer information "Good Reasons for Biofuels". The brochure provides the most important aspects on 24 pages justifying the need to continue promoting biofuels. mehr...

International Conference on Renewable Mobility: Immediately making use of all available options to reach climate change objectives in transportation

The biofuel industry regrets the position adopted by the European Parliament concerning the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive. At the International Conference on Renewable Mobility, the industry criticises the Parliament's intent to reduce sales of biofuels from crop biomass. mehr...

Biodiesel 2016/2017 - Report on Progress and Future Prospects

The assessment report provides information on the most important aspects of the national and European biofuel policy and the biodiesel markets. It is an excerpt from the UFOP business report 2016/2017 and includes the chapters “Biodiesel and Co.”, the report of the UFOP expert commission “Biofuels and Renewable Resources” as well as current national and European biofuel statistics. mehr...

DEUTZ approves engines for the use of alternative fuels

DEUTZ has approved the latest generation of its entire TCD engine range for operation with alternative fuels. This will make a further significant reduction to the carbon footprint of combustion engines and even raises the prospect of running such engines on a carbon-neutral basis. For DEUTZ, this represents the next logical step in its efforts to develop sustainable and efficient drive systems. mehr...

Germany's most beautiful oil fields – Resource and climate protection in transport

When rapeseed blossoms in springtime, millions of bees and the wind together provide the foundation for rapeseed oil production, with the rapeseed grains from the pods being pressed in oil mills. This is how rapeseed oil and rapeseed meal is produced. mehr...

E-mobility - alternative fuels and their development for use in plug-in hybrid vehicles

The cars of the future will also be powered by electricity. Even today, the proportion of hybrid vehicles, which have an electric motor and a combustion engine, is increasing (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, PHEV). This affects refuelling habits, since the hybrid drive causes the effective fuel consumption to fall meaning fuel remains in the tank longer than before. mehr...

UFOP welcomes vote to exclude palm oil for biofuel use

The European Parliament has approved the initiative report on the subject “Palm oil and the uprooting of rainforests” with an overwhelming majority. The European Parliament supports the move to exclude palm oil as a raw material for energetic use from 2020, at the same time acknowledging the sustainability of biofuels made from oil plants (rapeseed and sunflower) grown within Europe. mehr...

TFZ-KOMPAKT 13 "Climate protection by rapeseed oil fuel"

The content of this brochure published by the Bavarian „Technologie und Förderzentrum Nachwachsende Rohstoffe“ - TFZ - (Technology and support center for renewable ressources) is concerning the reasons why farmers should use rape seed oil as an alternative sustainable fuel instead of fossil diesel and what are in total the GHG benefits if e. g. also the rape meal is taken into account (substitution method). These „effects“ had not yet been taken into consideration in Annex V of the REDII proposal. mehr...

DGMK-Information 10/2015

The use of Biodiesel as a blend component in heating oil is intensively investigated in several projects of the German Scientific Society of Mineral Oil, Natural Gas and Coal (DGMK). The brochure comprises the current projects of the corresponding DGMK-committee "Fuels". mehr...

Information about the conversion of the biofuel promotion from an energy quota to a greenhouse gas quota starting in 2015

In the amendment to the law for promoting biofuels dated July 15, 2009 (Federal Gazette I p. 1804), the German Bundestag already stated that the energy-related biofuel quota would be converted to a greenhouse gas quota starting in 2015. mehr...

ECOFYS Study – "Greenhouse gas impact of marginal fuels"

Biofuel emission savings „80% better than thought“: Production of biofuels from crops such as rapeseed bring savings of GHG emissions that are 80% higher than levels calculated by the EU’s executive since it underestimates emissions from fossil fuels that are first of all replaced by biofuels, e.g. from oil sands. The new study of the institute Ecofys, Netherlands, comissioned by the European Oilseed Alliance, EOA, (UFOP is a member of this alliance), the European Biodiesel Board (EBB) and the European Vegetable Oil&Protein Meals Industry (Fediol), confirms that the existing fossil fossil comparator of 83,8 gCO2/MJ underestimates the existing emissins of fuels from so called „marginal oils“. Ecofys proposes a conpararotot of 115 gCO2/MJ. mehr...

Biodiesel Approval for the Operation of Heavy and Light Duty Vehicles (B100)

It has been around now for some 15 years – the manufacturers’ Biodiesel approval list; its updated version is now available. The use of Biodiesel has undergone massive changes in recent years. The approvals for passenger cars expired upon the introduction of new exhaust gas after-treatment systems, and the importance of Biodiesel as pure fuel decreased significantly, not least due to the economic framework conditions. mehr...

EU leaders are halting further decarbonisation of the transport sector

The UFOP fears the phasing out of the decarbonisation strategy in the transport sector (the replacement of fossil fuels with biofuels), which has been followed until now, should there be no update to the initial targets for the reduction of green house gas emissions in the transport sector, which are binding for all member states. mehr...

12th international conference “Fuels of the Future 2015”

The 12th international conference “Fuels of the Future 2015”, which will be held at Berlin’s new CityCube from 19-20 January 2015, will dedicate both conference days to a broad range of topics along the biofuel value chain. mehr...

Despite Biofuels – Warehouses for grains, oil seeds and vegetable oil are overflowing

The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) is following the current reporting regarding the situation on the most important agrarian raw materials markets with great concern. mehr...

A complete Euro 6 range

Scania now offers no fewer than eleven Euro 6 diesel engines, ranging from 250 hp to 730 hp. Customers across Europe who are considering buying their first Euro 6 truck can rest assured that by choosing Scania they will get proven, reliable technology that provides cost-effective performance. Scania also offers two Euro 6 gas engines and two biodiesel engines, suitable for a variety of applications mehr...

AMF Annual Report 2012

The AMF Annual Report provides information on the Advanced Motor Fuels Implementing Agreement, on the status of advanced motor fuels in AMF member countries and worldwide, and on the work carried out by AMF in individual projects (Annexes). In addition, the AMF Chairman provides an outlook on advanced motor fuels. mehr...

Comments and summary of the European Commission’s proposal to modify the EU biofuel policies of 17th October 2012

The Deutsche Biomasseforschungszentrum (German Research Centre for Biomass – DBFZ) was commissioned by the Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e. V. (UFOP) to explain the proposals by the EU Commission regarding the amendment of the Renewable Energies Directive and the Fuel Quality Directive in a technical paper, with commentary on the most important key points. mehr...

Double counting has major effect on biodiesel sales

UFOP demands cap for biodiesel from waste oil. The sale of biodiesel fell again by 2.8 percent to a total of 2.34 million tonnes in 2012. For the Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e. V. (UFOP), the German oilseed grower organisation, this reveals a clear continuation of a worryingly negative trend. mehr...

Videos: Sustainability of biofuels

Biofuels play an important role in the energy concept of the German government. In order to guarantee the sustainability of biofuels rules were enacted. The videos explain the principles of the German "Biofuel Sustainability Ordinance". mehr...

Preliminary Study

Since the agricultural price explosion of 2007/08 for basic foodstuffs and the subsequent decline in 2009, intense discussions have commenced concerning the potential negative consequences of high and volatile prices for world nutrition. Public and published opinion also appears to clearly point the finger at other guilty parties. The UN special correspondent de SCHUTTER, for example, maintains that the biofuel subsidy destroys the rainforest and drives food prices higher (Agra- Europe, Nov. 2011). And the Welthungerhilfe together with IFPRI clearly determine the following in their report on the World Hunger Index: “Biofuels are the main cause for higher and more volatile agricultural prices” (Oct. 2011). mehr...

No Agreement in EU Commission regarding Indirect Land Use Changes – UFOP welcomes intensive discussion

German and European oilseed growers are relieved that the debate centred around appropriate consideration of indirect land use changes (iLUC) has not yet come to a conclusion even after statement in the committee of the Commission on Monday last week. The responsible Directorates General “Climate Protection” and “Energy” have so far not been able to agree on a proposal. mehr...

FAME for Blends

Frequently, requirements exceeding the current Biodiesel standard EN14214 are demanded in order to assure a high quality of blend fuels. Involving experts from the mineral oil industry, the AGQM working group “Fame for Blends” therefore discussed which additional parameters would be a logical addition to a recommendation for a purchase specification, and which existing parameters could be tightened to contribute to the quality of the final blend fuel by using a high quality FAME component. mehr...

Sustainability has its price – UFOP demands surcharge

On the occasion of the presentation of the estimated area under rapeseed for 2011, the chairman of the Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e.V. (UFOP), Dr. Klaus Kliem, demanded a different market price in favour of rapeseed with sustainability certificate. The reason for a reasonable price difference between rapeseed with and without sustainability certificate was to recover the extra cost of certification, registration, administration and control. The cost of certification had to reflect in the price, Dr. Kliem insisted. mehr...

Renewable Energy Projections as Published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans of the European Member States

This report presents an overview of all data that have been published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs). In this version of the document (dated 1 February 2011) all 27 European Union Member States have been covered. mehr...

UFOP recommendations for the practical application of the sustainability directive to oilseeds for biofuel production

Effective 1 July 2010, biofuels will only be considered for blending purposes or tax relief if the prescribed sustainability certificate has been issued. Precondition for the sustainability certificate is that comprehensive documentation of the complete chain to farm level is available. The basis is a statement by the farmer to make sure that, nationally, the crop has not been grown on protected areas and, internationally, that rain forest has not been cleared. mehr...

International biodiesel markets – Developments in production and trade

The global biodiesel market has shown an exponential growth in production and trade across the past decade. Nowadays, more biodiesel than ever before is sourced from abroad and procurement areas – especially of large scale producers and traders – span the globe. While this trend is bound to continue, markets and trade developments are still strongly linked to support and trade policies. Furthermore, the biodiesel industry is strongly linked to other sectors (agriculture and mineral oil industry in particular) and faces significant market disturbances some of which have led to various inefficiencies in the past. Due to the pace of this market development, a methodological assessment and understanding of the numerous influencing factors was needed to reduce uncertainties and risks for those involved. mehr...

Property Demands on Future Biodiesel

Rapeseed oil methyl ester (RME) is currently not suitable for diesel particulate filters. The boiling characteristic of RME is an additional problem that presumably limits its further usability in Euro VI engines. Currently, hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) is in the state of obtaining acceptance as alternative fuel in the German legislation and is in the focus of discussions world-wide. HVO has physical and chemical advantages versus RME. In case RME should continue to be an appropriate fuel its molecule structure must be designed - probably by means of plant breeding. It is important to lower the boiling line by achieving chain lengths between 2and 16 carbon atoms and to have in mind the oxidation stability by focussing the number and the position of double bonds. Moreover, aspects of emissions and health effects must be kept in mind. Besides plant breeding, research should focus on highly efficient biotechnical transesterification, producing simultaneously shorter chain lengths. The phosphorus and metal contents of future biodiesel must become significantly lower than the specification limits that are valid at present. mehr...

Biodiesel 2010/2011. Report on the Current Situation and Prospects – Abstract from the UFOP Annual Report

Extracts from the UFOP report 2010/2011. The extract gives an overview about the development of Biodiesel production and sales in Germany and describes the political discussion and decisions affecting Biofuels. mehr...

CO2 Mitigation through Biofuels in the Transport Sector – Status and Perspectives

This study analyses and compares all international, publicly accessible publications about all biofuels for transportation currently used (e.g. biodiesel and bioethanol as well as those potential future biofuels like BTL). mehr...

UFOP fears legalisation of loopholes for palm oil imports

The draft of a delegated act regulating biofuels from cultivated biomass with a low or high risk of indirect land use (iLUC) presented last week by the European Commission is met with disapproval. The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) fears that already occurred but also future deforestation will be legalized, in particular due to the special treatment for small plantations. The Union therefore calls on its members and other interested parties to participate in the consultation process of the EU Commission. mehr...